SEN-CIT: The sensitization of citizens in the field of immigrants' and refugees’ inclusion to the hosting society (Exchange of good practices in adult education)

Online Learning Teaching Training in Poland 

On the 21st of April, 2021 we commenced our third Learning/Teaching/Training Online Activity meeting, that is a part of our SenCit project. Project focused on learning more about the best practices for integrating immigrants into the host community.

Our third LTT was centred around how that initiative is executed in Poland. The online conference was divided into three days, from 21st of April till the 23rd of April. In partnership with Avansa from Belgium and Hypatia from Cyprus, we hosted the conference, with a number of guest speakers and activities.

First, we begun with a brief intoduction of the present guests, following a slide that guided the introductions. The guests talked about which organisation they are from, what makes them stand out and what is their initiative in participating in this LTT, among many other questions.

After everyone got to know each other a little bit better, the external part of the conference commenced. Our first guest speaker was Marcin Zaborowski. Mr Zaborowski is a political scientist, with a very broad work experience. He is a former vice-president of the Centre for European Policy Analysis, and former director of the Polish Institute of International Affairs. Currently, he is an editor-in-chief of Res Publica Nowa magazine. He introduced the topic of the situation of immigrants in Poland, which was followed by a sea of questions and a fruitful discussion.

After the discussion was concluded, it was time for our our two partner’s presentations, Avansa and Hypatia. We started with Avansa’s presentation about the pilot projects in Belgium used to strengthen the social network and participation of migrants. Before we continued with questions and a discussion, we got to listen to Hypatia’s presentation about the impacts and implications on migrant women during COVID-19 pandemic.

Following a discussion, the external part of the conference was concluded. We were now able to evalutate the first day and prepare for the next day to come. The first day of the conference was a success.

On the 22nd of April, we held the second day of the conference. We started organising the afterthoughts we have after yesterday’s conference, followed by an energizer.

Our guest speaker that day was Marta Siciarek, chief specialist for migration and integration, from the Regional Centre for Social Policy. She told us more about the Migration Action Plan for 2021 and 2022 that is integrating the work of the local voivodeship government and the Gdańsk/Gdynia/Sopot Metropolitan area. Following the presentation, guests had numerous questions to Mrs Siciarek, which she was more than happy to answer. That opened up the space for a discussion.

Mrs Siciarek’s presentation was followed by a brief introduction, done by our new intern Barbara Polakiewicz, about the Gdańsk Immigration Integration Model.

A short break followed, after which Ewa Kubel from Ad Meritum organisation, organised a small polish lesson. It was met with big enthusiasm, with a pinch of confusion from the guest, due to the different sounds found in the polish language.

For the internal session of the conference, we proceeded to the evaluation session and a small introduction to the next day.

On the last day of our conference, the 23rd of April, we started with organising the afterthoughts we had after day two, followed by an energizer.

Following the energizer, we got to see a video about the Kitchen of Conflict, that was produced by the Ad Meritum organisation. It gave us some idea about what the Kitchen of Conflict is really about.

Our guest speaker was the founder of the Kitchen of Conflict, Jarmiła Rybicka. Kitchen of Conflict is a business project in Warsaw that helps refugees and immigrants to integrate into the Polish society through providing the bar with refugee and immigrant food. The aim of this initiative is not only to help the newcomers to function better in Poland, but also to change the negative attitudes towards them among Poles. Through the kitchen towards to acceptance.

Mrs Rybicka is the founder of the Kitchen of Conflict. She was also named one of 100 women of the year by the Forbes Women Polska magazine. It was a huge honour to have her with us on the last day of the conference. After the presentation, we had some time for questions and comments. which resulted in another fruitful discussion.

The presentation was then followed by a presentation about the methology of informal learning for immigrants, done by Ewa Kubel from the Ad Meritum foundation.

After the final presentation of our conference we proceeded to the conference summary. That included an evaluation of the full conference, as well as talking about the next steps.

We want to thank you all for attending! We hope you have learned and enjoyed the conference! We hope it was everything you expected, and more! Hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves and learned a lot, and came out of this experience with a fresh perspective and good memories. It was a pleasure to have you all there and the atmosphere has been absolutely amazing. Thank you again and we hope to see you soon!


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project number: 2018-1-PL01-KA204-050850