SENCIT: The sensitization of citizens in the field of immigrants' and refugees’ inclusion to the hosting society (Exchange of good practices in adult education)” 2018-1-PL01-KA204-050850
The central aim of the project is to develop and pilot sensitization methods and tools, addressed to the hosting society in the participating countries. Project partners compile and exchange good practices for sensitization of local community as it regards to migrant and refugees’ inclusion process.
Together at home in Hasselt.
“Together at home in Hasselt” is a project where an inhabitant of the city of Hasselt and a new inhabitant will meet each other at least once every two weeks. The project is situated in the leisure time. The duo’s for example can go for a drink, or they can cook together, go for a walk or visit a museum. They are doing it both voluntarily. Duo’s will meet and learn from each other in an informal atmosphere.
During the encounters the newcomer has the opportunity to practice his Dutch in a safe environment.
Together at home in Hasselt is a model that uses the duo-method. It matches persons who are integrating with their own coach. This coach is a volunteer. He/she is someone who is rooted in the Flemish society: he is a nattive Dutch-speaker and he knows the city and the possibilities of the city.
The project duo’s go on a journey together and experience everyday ends. These regular meetings help the newcomer feel faster at home in Hasselt faster. They feel that they are welcome here.
In the project, we assume an equeal relationship. Reciprocity is involved between the new and the old habitant of the city. They get to know each other's world by doing things together. This way we create more mutual understanding about other cultures.
A testimony of a duo, Néné and Denise.
Néné: “I often felt lonely and lost in this city. Someone told me about the project Together at home in Hasselt. I had an intake interview with someone from Vormingplus Limburg. Pretty soon I was introduced to Denise.”
Denise: “I had read about the project in the newspaper. I thought there was too little contact between the ordinary Flemish and the new inhabitants. I could empathize with their situation and think how difficult it had to be to get to a place where you don't know anyone and where everything is different.”
Denise: “At the beginning Néné was someone with a daughter. Now, we are one family. We already had two daughters. Nene became our third daughter. She calls us mam and dad. For her children we are grandma and grandpa.”
Néné: “When I arrived in Belgium I was so anxious. Everything was so unknown. Now I’ve met Denise and Jan, I feel so much stronger. I’m not alone anymore. I discuss everything with my new mother Denise. I ask about almost everything advice. I was so lucky to meet them.“
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project number: 2018-1-PL01-KA204-050850